What Spiritual Direction Is/Not

Spiritual Direction is always about helping harmonize goals, desires, hopes, and dreams.

Aspects of Spiritual Direction

There are three aspects to Spiritual Direction:

  • Direction
  • Discernment
  • Life Exploration

Spiritual Direction works very well with mothers.  The vocation of motherhood.

Spiritual Direction:

This is the open-ended aspect of Spiritual Direction. We use prayer, Ignatian mediation, insightful discussion of life, and spiritual issues to help determine the presence of God in all of life.

Spiritual Discernment:

God calls us to be the best version of ourselves, but periodically, we become hung up on past decisions, situations, and choices.  These can affect how we see our lives, and how we see God in all of our lives. This is the basis of Spiritual Discernment.

Spiritual Discernment is a tremendously powerful instrument of Spiritual Direction which to bring us closer to God.

With it, we invite the Holy to be with us as we explore any areas of feeling “stuck” that we might have. With prayer, we ask for Healing of those wounded places, Gratitude for all God has given us, and Joy for His Grace.

This helps us begin to see more clearly how God has been in our lives, worked all for our best, and now what we can do to continue positively. 

Spiritual Life Exploration:

Spiritual Life Exploration is about gifts and talents that celebrate motherhood/womanhood, create a spiritual life that honors the vocation of mothering, and helps to:

  • Create a prayer life, which flows and works best for an individual’s lifestyle
  • Explore goals that will best create a balanced life, calling, self.
  • Discover spiritual gifts that strengthen the call as mom
  • Emphasize what is important for family, calling, self.

What Spiritual Direction is not

Spiritual Direction is not psychotherapy, counseling, life coaching, or financial planning.  

It is a listening ministry that can be a great help for you to hear God’s calling for your life, yourself, your motherhood.  A spiritual director cannot diagnose illness but will help in finding someone who is qualified.  Goal-setting is a part of spiritual direction but only as it pertains to God’s call.  

Many moms may also go to a Spiritual Director and also go to a therapist, pastoral counselor.  Spiritual Direction is always about helping moms to achieve the life God wants to help us create, and for us to see those God moments in our lives both good and bad.

3 thoughts on “What Spiritual Direction Is/Not”

  1. Pingback: FYI Wednesday: Why won’t my kids go to Mass? |

  2. Pingback: No excuses |

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